Grounding Area Studies in Social Practice
The University of Freiburg pursues an interdisciplinary concept of research on Southeast Asia. The disciplines involved include Political Science, Social and Cultural Anthropology, Economics and Asian History. Southeast Asian Studies at Freiburg build on interdisciplinary and internationalized research and teaching. Other program components such as methodology training, regional networking, the graduate program, the alumni program and knowledge transfer are closely linked with the research core (more ... ). Research in this project focuses on two topics: 1. Democratization and Institutional Change in South East Asia 2. Modes of World-Making in South East Asia (Associated Research Project funded by DFG) |
News & Events
⇨ A list of all project news is a available here. Please subscribe to the RSS-Newsfeed to stay updated.
- At this year's EuroSEAS conference, Lukas Maximilian Müller convened a panel on "ASEAN Decision-Making and Policy Change in Southeast Asia" and gave a talk titled "Who drives ASEAN's Connectivity Agenda?".
- The bi-annual conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Studies is one of the primary conventions for Southeast Asian area specialists.
- The international workshop will focus on the theme "Constructing the 21st-Century Silk-Road: Southeast Asia in the Race for Connectivity and Geopolitical Interests"
- The workshop will take place in Freiburg on 4 and 5 July 2019.
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The German Anthropological Association (DGSKA) has bestowed its first Dissertation Prize on Dr. Mirjam Lücking. Lücking, a cultural anthropologis, receives prize money of 1,000 euros for her doctoral thesis, “Indonesians and their Arab World. Guided Mobility among Labour Migrants and Mecca Pilgrims.”
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- Jürgen Rüland presented a paper at the International Conference "Cambodia and ASEAN Regionalism, in the Context of Indo-Pacific" organized by the International Relations Institute of Cambodia and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung at Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
⇨ An overview of all publications is available here.
Religious Actors and Conflict Transformation in Southeast Asia: Indonesia and the Philippines
- Authors: Rüland, Jürgen; von Lübke, Christian; Baumann, Marcel M.
- Routledge, 2019
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- Publication Website
Indonesia: State and Society in Transition
- Authors: Purdey, Jemma; Missbach, Antje; McRae, Dave
- Lynne Rienner Press, 2019
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- Journal Website
The Dream of ASEAN Connectivity: Imagining Infrastructure in Southeast Asia
- Author: Fünfgeld, Anna
- Pacific Affairs, 2019
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- Journal Website
Cosmopolitanism, Pluralism and Self-Orientalism in the Modern Mystical World of Java
- Author: Schlehe, Judith
- Asian Journal of Social Science, 2019
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- Journal Website
⇨ An overview of all media reports is available here.
The Jakarta Post: ASEAN connectivity could be blueprint for world
- Lukas Maximilian Müller
- 20 June 2019
- Full Article...
The “Hindutva Face” of Foreign Policy? Reflections on Indian Foreign Policy 2014-19
- Arndt Michael
- 8 April 2019
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Asia Dialogue: Southeast Asia's competitive sub-regionalism: Overlap and Superfluity?
- Jürgen Rüland
- 8 April 2019
- Full Article
External news
⇨ Please visit this page for the full list of external academic news related to Southeast Asia...