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Conferences and Roundtables

Workshop "Constructing the 21st-Century Silk Road: Southeast Asia in the Race for Connectivity and Geopolitcal Interests", Freiburg, 4-5 July 2019

Connectivity has become the new buzzword in the development discourse. In Asia, the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (2010), followed by the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025, spearheaded the drive towards connectivity. In the meantime, connectivity schemes in the region have proliferated. By far most ambitious of these is China’s gigantic “Belt and Road Initiative” (BRI) or New Silk Road, but other countries such as Japan and India have also indicated their intention to invest massively in Asian infrastructure. In September and October 2018, the EU and the United States joined the fray with the EU Strategy “Connecting Europe and Asia” (European Commission 2018) and the American BUILD Act.

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FRIAS-Workshop “Challenging State Sovereignty in the Age of Migration: A multi-level approach to Southeast and East Asian migration” (27-28 April 2017)

The movement of labour migrants and refugees in Southeast and East Asia is as diverse as the – often insufficient - politics on these issues. In a region, where governments place particularly high importance on norms of state sovereignty and non-interference, mobility is often seen as a challenge if not threat to these norms. The goal of this workshop is to analyse these challenges from a multi-level and multi-actor perspective, spanning all levels of governance (from the sub-state level to the transnational/bilateral and regional level).

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First Annual CEDI Conference Report, 10-11 November 2016, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Regional Organizations in the Global South have increasingly become the focus of inquiries in the field of regionalism studies. Due to the intersections of disciplinary and area studies, research on regionalism in the Global South is characterized by a great diversity of theoretical and methodological approaches. The first CEDI Annual Conference on Regionalism in the Global South at the University of Mainz, from 10-11 November 2016, highlighted diversity and similarity in an emerging field of inquiry.

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FRIAS Conference on "Dynamic Alignments and Dealignments in Global Southeast Asia" (June 2015)

The FRIAS Research Focus “Dynamic Alignments and Dealignments in Global Southeast Asia” examines how global flows and challenges impact the actors, patterns and processes that drive social and institutional adjustments in a strategically important, economically vibrant, culturally diverse and politically volatile region. Alignments denote forms of cooperation, alliances, coalition-building and caucuses; dealignments refer to fragmentation, conflict and disintegration in response to intensifying global and local challenges.

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"Jokowi's Indonesia: A Preliminary Assessment" (February 2015)

Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Freiburg, the FRIAS Research Group on Southeast Asia in cooperation with the Center for Transcultural Asian Studies (CETRAS) are organizing a seminar looking back at the first four months of the Jokowi presidency.

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Decentralization in Southeast Asia (June 2011)

In 2011, the Freiburg Southeast Asia Study Group organized an international conference on decentralization and democratization in Southeast Asia with a special section on 10 years of decentralization in Indonesia. The conference took place from June 15-17, 2011 in Freiburg, Germany.

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