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COLLOQUIUM | Deasy Simandjuntak: "Beyond Letters and Licenses: Navigating Citizenship and Clientelism in a Decentralized Indonesia" (11/23/2011, 12am-2pm)

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The first Collaborative Colloquium of the semester, "Beyond Letters and Licenses: Navigating Citizenship and Clientelism in a Decentralized Indonesia " will be on Wednesday, 23 Nov. from 1200-1400 in the Institut für Ethnologie Seminarraum. This colloquium will be presented by Dr. Deasy Simandjuntak deasy, a guest fellow of Southeast Asian Studies at Freiburg. 

Colloquium Abstract: 

"How do we define the situation in which citizenship exists side by side with clientelism? To what extent is citizenship achievable in social structures marred with patron-client networks?  A discussion on various aspects of democratization in new democracies inevitably reaches the question of citizenship. Yet moving beyond the discussion on rights and responsibilities of subjects and states, the notion of citizenship also beckons an exploration on social plurality as well as the state’s capacity to ensure equal treatment of its people(s).  Taking an example of pemekaran - the carving out of new administrative boundaries - we explore the rhetorics of equality, local preferences, and local welfare that shed a light on the dynamics of citizenship and ‘client-ship’ in Indonesia."


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