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Invitation for SEA Collaborative Colloquium in this summer term

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Please find the preliminary program below.

Monday 18 May

Mirjam Lücking (Anthropology): "The Symbolic Appropriation of Arabness. Being Muslim in Madura" (EuroSEAS paper) or "Islam and Neoliberal Modernity"

Time: 5pm-7pm

Location: Werthmannstraße 10, Level 1, Seminarraum


Monday 22 June

Gerrit Gonschorek (Economics): "The ones in need or the ones you need? Differential Transfer, Empirical Evidence from Indonesia"

Lamai Prompratoom (Political Science): "Elites Border Conflict Management between Thailand and Cambodia"

Time: 5pm-7pm

Location: Werthmannstraße 10, Level 1, Seminarraum


Monday 6 July

Cathrin Bullinger (Anthropology, Political Science): "Decentralization in East Kalimantan" (working title, book project East Kalimantan)

Anna Fünfgeld (Political Science): "Socio-ecological transformation in East Kalimantan" (working title, book project East Kalimantan)

Time: 5pm-7pm

Location: Werthmannstraße 10, Level 1, Seminarraum


Monday 20 July

Peter Kesselburg (Sinology): "Paradiplomatic trade relations between Southern Chinese, North Vietnamese and North Laotian province and country-level governments during the Reform Era"

Jennifer Stapornwongkul (Sinology): tba.

Time: 5pm-7pm

Location: Werthmannstraße 10, Level 1, Seminarraum

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