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Dr. Patrick Ziegenhain

 PhD thesis 2005: "From Rubber Stamp to Superbody? The Role of the Indonesian Parliament during the democratization process between 1997 and 2004"


Current position: Senior Research Fellow and Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of Trier (since December 2006)


Date and Place of Birth: 1st November 1969 in Gießen/ Germany

Nationality: German

Present Position:

Senior Research Fellow and Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science at the University of Trier (since July 2007)

Professional Experience:


Evaluations/Consultancies for the GIZ (German International Cooperation of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development)
•    March - May 2008: Portfolio Good Governance/ Decentralisation in Indonesia (with Cathrin Bullinger)
•    September/ October 2006: Support for Decentralisation Measures in Indonesia (with Jürgen Rüland)
•    October 2000 – June 2002: Urban Environmental Management Training in Southeast Asia

Evaluations for German political foundations
•   August - November 2013 for Friedrich Ebert Foundation: Evaluation of the project work in the Philippines between 2007 and 2012
•   October/November 2001 for Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Indonesia: Evaluation of the support measures for the General Secretariat of the Indonesian parliament

Lecturer for AYF (Academic Year Freiburg) and IES (International Education of Students): Study abroad programs for American students at the Albert Ludwigs Universität in Freiburg (2002-2005)


April 2002 – June 2005    Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg: PhD in Political Science with a thesis on the role of the Indonesian parliament during the democratisation process (Supervisor: Prof. Jürgen Rüland)

Nov. 1990 – Sept. 1997    University of Cologne Ludwig Maximilian University München: M.A. in Political Science with the minor subjects History and Indonesian Philology

Memberships in Professional Organizations:

· German Association of Asian Studies (DGA), Member of the Scientific Advisory Board on Southeast Asia (since October 2010)
· South East Asian Information Center at Asia House, Member of the Board of Directors (since 2000)
· International Political Science Association ( IPSA)
· German Association of Asian Studies (DGA)
· Jean Monnet Association for EU Studies


· German (mother tongue)
· English (fluent)
· French (fluent)
· Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) (fluent)
· Latin

Recent Publications (Selection):

a) Monographs:

Institutional Engineering and Political Accountability in Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines (forthcoming, accepted for publication after peer-review by ISEAS, Singapore)

The Indonesian Parliament and Democratization, Singapore: ISEAS, 2008

Parliaments and Political Change in Asia. A Comparative Study of India, Indonesia, the Philippines, South Korea and Thailand, Singapore: ISEAS, 2005 (with Jürgen Rüland, Clemens Jürgenmeyer und Michael Nelson)

b) Contributions to Books and Journals in English Language:

Country Report Philippines, in: Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2014, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Foundation (forthcoming)

Need for Reform and Governance Capacities in Asia: Country Report Indonesia, in: Bertelsmann Foundation (ed.): Sustainable Governance Indicators, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Foundation, 2013

Country Report Indonesia, in: Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2012, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-Stiftung, 2012
Military Influence on the Regression of Democracy in Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines, in: Asia-Europe Journal for Law and Governance, Vol.  1, No. 2/ 2011, pp. 263-275

Olympic Dreams in Malaysia, in: Journal of Olympic History, Vol.  20, No. 2/2011, pp. 9-16 (with Cathrin Bullinger)
Indonesia Country Report, in: Bertelsmann Foundation (ed.): Managing the Crisis. A Comparative Assessment of Economic Governance in 14 Economies. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Foundation, 2010

The Aceh Conflict during the Orde Baru and the following Democratization Process, in: Graf, Arndt/ Schroeter, Susanne/ Wieringa, Erwin (eds.): Aceh. History, Politics, Culture, Singapore: ISEAS, 2010, pp. 120-134.

Country Report Indonesia, in: Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2010, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-Stiftung, 2010
The Indonesian Parliament and Its Impact on Democratic Consolidation, in: Bünte, Marco/ Ufen, Andreas (eds.): Democratization in Post-Suharto Indonesia, London/ New York: Routledge, 2009: pp. 33-52 

People’s Representatives from Muslim Mindanao in the Congress of the Philippines: Intermediaries for the People or Self-Interested Local Bosses?, in: Graf, Arndt/ Kreuzer, Peter (eds.): Conflict in Moro Land. Prospects for Peace?, Penang: Universiti Sains Press, 2009, pp. 78-104 (with Kerstin Priwitzer)

Deficits of the Indonesian Parliament and Their Impact on the Democratization Process, in: Wessel, Ingrid (ed.): Democratisation in Indonesia after the fall of Suharto, Berlin: Logos, 2005, pp. 27-38

The Legislatures of Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia: Towards Greater Inclusiveness?, in: Nelson, Michael H. (eds.): Thai Politics: Global and Local Perspectives, KPI Yearbook No. 2, Bangkok: King Prajadhipok’s Institute, 2004, pp. 25-94 (with Jürgen Rüland, Clemens Jürgenmeyer und Michael Nelson)

c) Contributions to Books and Journals in German Language:

Dezentralisierung und Demokratisierung als Katalysatoren des Wirtschaftsaufschwungs in Indonesien [Decentralization and Democratization as Catalysts for the Economic Boom in Indonesia], in: Nölke, Andreas/ Claar, Simone/ May, Christian (Eds.): " Die großen Schwellenländer. Ursachen und Folgen ihres Aufstiegs in der Weltwirtschaft", Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2013, S. 103-117

Indonesien [Indonesia], in: Porsche-Ludwig, Markus/ Bellers, Jürgen/ Gieler, Wolfgang (Eds.): Sozialpolitik in Asien. Ein Handbuch der Staaten Asiens von A-Z, Münster, LIT-Verlag, 2013, pp. 62-66 and in: Porsche-Ludwig, Markus/ Bellers, Jürgen/ Gieler, Wolfgang (Eds.): Sozialpolitik in Entwicklungsländern. Asien, Afrika, Lateinamerika – Ein Handbuch, Münster, LIT-Verlag, 2013, pp. 136-140 (with Thomas Werthmann).

Jokowi - Hoffnungsträger für die indonesische Demokratie? [Jokowi-Bearer of Hope for Indonesia's Democracy?] , in: Südostasien, No. 3/2013, p. 37f.

Wirtschaftswunderland mit Defiziten. Mit Optimismus und Altlasten in die Zukunft [Economic Wonderland with Deficiencies. Looking Forward with Optimism and Inherited Liabilities], in: Internationale Politik, Länderporträt Indonesien, Nov./ Dec. 2012, pp. 5-13

Islam in Verfassung und Gesetzgebung der südostasiatischen Staaten [Islam in the Constitution and Legislation of the Southeast Asian States], in: Fritz Schulze/ Holger Warnk (Eds.): Islam und Staat in den Ländern Südostasiens, Frankfurt: Harrassowitz: 2010, pp. 1-20 (with Isabel Pitz und Karoline Herrmann)

Die globale Finanzkrise als Herausforderung für das indonesische Wirtschaftssystem [The Global Financial Crisis as Challenge for the Indonesian Economic System], in: Findeisen, Genia/ Großmann, Kristina/ Weydmann, Nicole (Eds.): Herausforderungen für Indonesiens Demokratie. Bilanz und Perspektiven, Berlin: regiospectra, 2010, pp. 149-157 (with Alexander Kähny)

Gestärkt aus der Krise. Indonesiens neue makroökonomische Stabilität [Coming out of the Crisis Invigorated. Indonesia's New Macro-economic Stability], in: Südostasien No. 2/2010, p. 57f.

Präsidentschaftswahlen in Indonesien: Ursachen und Hintergründe zur Wiederwahl Susilo Bambang Yudhoyonos [Presidential Elections in Indonesia: Reasons and Backgrounds for the Re-Election of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono], in: Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, Vol. 28, No. 3/2009, pp. 81-94.

Kandidaten, Koalitionen und einiges Chaos. Die Parlamentswahlen in Indonesien [Candidates, Coalitions and some Chaos. The Parliamentary Elections in Indonesia], in: Südostasien, No. 2/ 2009, p. 58f.

Interne und externe Herausforderungen für die politischen Systeme Thailands und der Philippinen [Internal and External Challenges for the Political Systems of Thailand and the Philippines], in: Maull, Hanns W./ Wagener, Martin (Eds.): Ostasien in der Globalisierung, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2009, pp. 191-208

Rundum erneuert und doch viele alte Probleme: Indonesien zehn Jahre nach dem Sturz Suhartos [Overall Overhaul but Still Riddled with Problems: Indonesia Ten Years after Suharto’s Downfall], in Südostasien Aktuell, Vol.  27, No. 3/2008, pp. 59-70

Malaysia, in: Riescher, Gisela/ Thumfart, Alexander (Eds.): Monarchien, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2008, pp. 163-172
Islam und Demokratisierung in Indonesien: Die Shari'a-Gesetze auf lokaler Ebene und die Debatte um das sogenannte Anti-Pornografiegesetz [Islam and Democratization in Indonesia: The Sharia Laws at the Local Level and the Debate about the so-called Anti-Pornography Law], in: Nothofer, Bernd/ Schulze, Fritz: Muslime und Nicht-Muslime in Südostasien, Frankfurt: Harassowitz, 2008, pp. 43-64 (with Eva Ottendörfer)

Editorial, in: ASIEN, No. 109/ October 2008, p. 7f. (with Sebastian Heilmann)

Politische und materielle Interessen im Aceh-Konflikt [Political and Material Interests in the Aceh Conflict], in: Michael Waibel /Rolf Jordan/ Helmut Schneider (Eds.): "Krisenregion Südostasien. Alte Konflikte und neue Kriege im pazifischen Raum", Bonn: Horlemann Verlag, 2006, pp. 41-57

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