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Vissia Ita Yulianto

PhD candidate

E-Mail:  vissia_ita[at]


Vissia Ita Yulianto, born 1978, is a PhD candidate at the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Freiburg, Germany. Her research interests are in the field of postcolonial and cultural studies. She was a research fellow at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore (2004) before completing her Master's degree in 2005 from Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta (Indonesia) in Ilmu Religi dan Budaya (Religious and Cultural Studies) with a thesis "Pesona ‘Barat’: Analisa Kritis-Historis tentang Kesadaran Warna Kulit di Indonesia." Since graduating, her work has focused on a women and media.

She has published two widely reviewed books: "Aku Mau: Feminisme dan Nasionalisme, Surat-Surat Kartini kepada Stella Zeehandelaar" an original Indonesian translation with an extended introduction by Joost Coté’s Feminism & Nationalism; Kartini’s Letters to Stella Zeehandelaar (Kompas &IRB Press 2004); and "Pesona ‘Barat’: Analisa Kritis-Historis tentang Warna Kulit di Indonesia "(The Allure of Whiteness; an analysis on skin color consciousness in Indonesia) (Jalasutra, 2007).  Other publications include “The Representation of Women, Gender and Sexuality in Print, Broadcast, and Electronic Media; Comparing Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore” in S. Joseph (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures (Brill 2007) and “Consuming Gossip; A re-domestication of Indonesian Women” in Ariel Heryanto (ed.) Popular Culture in Indonesia; Fluid Indentities in Post Authoritarian Politics (Routledge, 2007).

She presented papers on Women and the Media in conferences at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore (2004), University Sains Malaysia (2004), Sorbonne, Paris I (2004, funded by Ford Foundation), Chiangmay (2005, funded by SEASREP), and Curtin University (2007). In 2008 she participated in a summer course on ‘Sexuality, Culture and Society’ at the University of Amsterdam (funded by a NUFFIC foundation scholarship). As a public scholar, she makes ongoing contributions to Indonesian journals, newspapers and the web, writing on current affairs related to developments in Indonesian public culture.  Her personal blog is


Research Projects

Reframing Modernity in Contemporary Indonesia; An Ethnographic Study of Ideas on ‘Center’ and ‘Periphery’ on Sulawesi and Java

The Knowledge of the "West" in Contemporary Indonesia: Anthropological Research in Rural and Urban Spaces on Java and Sulawesi

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