COLLOQUIUM | Street Vendors and Decentralized Spaces of Urban Security/Insecurity (Dr. Eric Haanstad)
Collaborative Colloquium
What |
When |
Nov 04, 2010 04:00 PM
to Dec 23, 2010 06:00 PM |
Where | Institut für Völkerkunde Seminarraum |
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The first Collaborative Colloquium of the semester, "Street Vendors and Decentralized Spaces of Urban Security/Insecurity," will be on Wednesday, 17 Nov from 1600-1800 in the Institut für Völkerkunde Seminarraum. Dr. Haanstad will present some images and ideas from his observations at new street vendor sites that are emerging around sites of urban unrest, arson, and bombings in Bangkok. An open discussion will follow, building on themes that were identified from the June 2010 colloquium, namely:
1) What kinds of social phenomena are being decentralized?
2) In which cases can decentralization lead to a strengthening of the center?
3) How can we examine the paradoxical nature of decentralization, especially in relation to state security?