Past Events
Events which have already happened.
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Lecture Prof. Frey: Southeast Asia and the 2. World War (KG I, HS 1015 , from Dec 07, 2009 08:15 PM to Dec 07, 2009 10:00 PM)
- Lecturer: Professor Dr. Marc Frey (Helmut Schmidt Chair of International History, School of Humanities and Social Sciences History, Jacobs University Bremen).
Joint Meeting of all staff and participants (Peterhof HS 4, Peterhofkeller, from Dec 11, 2009 10:00 AM to Dec 11, 2009 03:00 PM)
Lecture Dr. Lübke “Governance in Transition. Politics and Change in Democratic Indonesia” (KG II, Room 2330, from Dec 15, 2009 06:00 PM to Dec 15, 2009 08:00 PM)
- Lecturer: Christian von Lübke (Stanford University) Christian von Lübke is a political economist with particular interest in governance and economic development in Southeast Asia. He is currently working on a book that analyzes the determinants for local policy variation in Post-Suharto Indonesia. 15 December 2009, 18-20, room 2330, KG II.
Methods-Workshop I (Friday: Peterhof, HS 3 | Saturday: KG IV, Ü2 (5th floor), from Dec 18, 2009 10:00 AM to Dec 19, 2009 06:00 PM)
- - What does empirical research mean? - Basic principles and epistemological foundations of empirical research in social sciences - Ethics and responsibility in research
Prof. J. Schlehe (Lecture) "Religion, soziale Beziehungen und Katastrophenbewältigung auf Java Indonesien (from Jan 14, 2010 11:30 AM to Jan 14, 2010 01:00 PM)
- Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychosomatik, Abteilung für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Hauptstrasse 8, 79104 Freiburg
Prof. J. Rueland (Lecture) "Das Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) – Globalisierung, Global Governance und der Dialog der Regionen" (HS 1098 KG I, from Jan 20, 2010 08:15 PM to Jan 20, 2010 09:45 PM)
- Jan 20, 2010, 20pm c.t.
Methods Workshop II (KG IV, ÜR 1 (5th floor, Dpt. of Sociology), from Jan 22, 2010 10:00 AM to Jan 23, 2010 06:00 PM)
- Topic: General introduction into research techniques, Case study design. Instructors: Ms Dominique Schirmer, Ms Ursula Degener Please check the assigned course materials
Stephan Rother (presentation) "Transnational political spaces: Political activism of Philippine labor migrants in Hong Kong" (Room 4429, KG IV, from Jan 26, 2010 08:00 PM to Jan 26, 2010 09:45 PM)
Methods-Workshop III (ÜR 1 and Media-Room (both KG IV 5th floor), from Feb 11, 2010 10:00 AM to Feb 12, 2010 06:00 PM)
- Contrasting, Content analysis basics, Role reflection and Interculturality
Methods-Week I (KG I, HS 1226 | Friday: media room (Dpt. Sociology), from Apr 12, 2010 10:00 PM to Apr 16, 2010 06:00 AM)
- Qualitative research methods
Methode week I: Change of schedule (from Apr 14, 2010 10:00 AM to Apr 16, 2010 06:00 PM)
- Due to short notice cancellation by one of the lecturers the methods week schedule has been changed.
COLLOQUIUM | "Political Performances of the Ramayana in Southeast Asia" (Seminar room Werthmannst. 10 (Anthropology building), from May 06, 2010 04:00 PM to May 06, 2010 06:00 PM)
- Please contact Eric Haanstad for further information ejhaanstad[at]
Indonesian Movie Night (Institut für Völkerkunde, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) (Werthmannstr. 4, 1. OG, Raum Belchen, from May 18, 2010 06:00 PM to May 18, 2010 08:00 PM)
- Laskar Pelangi – The Rainbow Troops [2008, 124 min.] by Riri Riza, a leading Indonesian filmmaker Language/Subtitle: Indonesian/English
COLLOQUIUM | "Recent Trends in Democratization and Decentralization in Southeast Asia" (Eric Haanstad) ( Institut für Völkerkunde Seminarraum, from Jun 08, 2010 04:15 PM to Jun 08, 2010 06:00 PM)
Seminar "Dutch for Historians" with Annelies Jonghe (Room 4450, from Jun 09, 2010 04:00 PM to Jun 09, 2010 06:00 PM)
- On the 9th of June the seminar "dutch for historians" will take place. It will include reading- and translating strategies and is taught by Annelies Jonghe. Please contact Clara Mansfeld (clara.mansfeld[at] if you would like to attend.
TALK | "“Bringing [postcolonial] history home”: remembering an imperial past in Australia, The Netherlands and Indonesia" (Dr. Joost Coté, Deakin University) (Institut für Völkerkunde Seminarraum, from Jun 18, 2010 10:00 AM to Jun 18, 2010 12:00 PM)
- The Institut für Völkerkunde cordialy invites you to the talk "“Bringing [postcolonial] history home”: remembering an imperial past in Australia, The Netherlands and Indonesia", by by Dr. Joost Coté (Deakin University)
LECTURE | Ratchaburi Hospital 2000: Mimetic revenge, violent complicity and “covert” spectacle (Dr. Eric Haanstad) (Arnold Bergstraesser Institute, from Jul 01, 2010 04:00 PM to Jul 01, 2010 06:00 PM)
METHODS WORKSHOP | Basic Introduction to Quantitative Methods (Department of Comparative Politics (Werthmannstraße 12), from Jul 01, 2010 01:00 PM to Jul 03, 2010 04:00 PM)
- Methods Workshop: Basic Introduction to Quantitative Methods
COLLOQUIUM | "Neoliberalism and Shadow Economies" (Dr Eric Haanstad) (Institut für Völkerkunde Seminarraum, from Jul 07, 2010 02:00 PM to Jul 07, 2010 04:00 PM)
METHODS WORKSHOP | Qualitative Network Analysis (Dr. Markus Gamper) (Breisacher Tor, Room 206, from Jul 09, 2010 10:00 AM to Jul 09, 2010 06:00 PM)
SEMINAR | "The dutch colonial empire" (Prof. Dabrinhaus) (KG IV, ÜR 2, from May 31, 2010 08:00 AM to Jul 19, 2010 10:00 AM)
- The sessions of the seminar "The Dutch Colonial Empire" by Prof. Dabringhaus starting 31. of May will focus on Indonesia. Students with an interest in these topics are welcome to attend.
Vacancy Research Assistant (from May 21, 2010 02:55 PM to Jul 21, 2010 02:55 PM)
- We are currently recruiting a research assistant (Hiwi) for the Southeast Asian Studies project starting August 2010.
DUO-Thailand | student exchange program (from Aug 02, 2010 01:00 PM to Oct 29, 2010 05:00 PM)
Information session: Studies in Asia (28.10.2010, 18.15h, HS 1131) (from Oct 14, 2010 06:25 PM to Nov 14, 2010 06:40 PM)
Call for Papers | DGA Fellowship Conference (29.4.-1.5.2011, Arnoldsheim) (from Oct 14, 2010 06:55 PM to Nov 14, 2010 06:55 PM)
IACC | Anti Corruption Conference (10.-13.November 2010, Bangkok) (from Oct 30, 2010 12:05 AM to Nov 30, 2010 12:05 AM)
LECTURE | Stefan Rother: Regionale Integration in Asien, registrations welcome (from Oct 27, 2010 04:35 PM to Dec 01, 2010 04:35 PM)
BMBF Methodology Workshop | English Course "Academic Writing", Thursdays 4.30pm, Breisacher Tor 202 (from Oct 21, 2010 05:15 PM to Dec 13, 2010 05:15 PM)
COLLOQUIUM | Street Vendors and Decentralized Spaces of Urban Security/Insecurity (Dr. Eric Haanstad) (Institut für Völkerkunde Seminarraum, from Nov 04, 2010 04:00 PM to Dec 23, 2010 06:00 PM)
- Collaborative Colloquium
COLLOQUIUM | Christian Von Lübke "The Mesopolitics of Democratic Governance" (17 Dec 2010, 1500-1700, Breisacher Tor 201) (Breisacher Tor (Rempartstr. 4), Room 201, from Dec 17, 2010 03:00 PM to Dec 29, 2010 05:00 PM)
- Collaborative Colloquium
Visiting Fellow Dr. Christian von Lübke (November/ December 2010) (from Nov 15, 2010 03:40 PM to Dec 31, 2010 03:40 PM)
INTERNSHIP APPLICATION | GTZ Indonesia, August-October 2011, Deadline 30 January 2011 (from Jan 30, 2011 12:00 AM to Jan 30, 2011 12:00 AM)
LANGUAGE STUDIES | Thai, Vietnamese and Bahasa Indonesia (free of charge) during the winter term 2010/11 (from Oct 18, 2010 12:00 AM to Feb 02, 2011 12:00 AM)
BMBF WORKSHOP | "Academic Writing", Thursdays 4.30pm, Breisacher Tor 202 (from Oct 28, 2010 02:25 PM to Feb 13, 2011 02:25 PM)
COLLOQUIUM | Natalie Porter: "The Limits of Neoliberal Governance in Vietnamese Bird Flu Interventions" (February 23rd 2011, 16-18h, Room 4429) (from Feb 16, 2011 07:05 PM to Feb 16, 2011 07:05 PM)
COLLOQUIUM | Natalie Porter: "The Limits of Neoliberal Governance in Vietnamese Bird Flu Interventions" (February 23rd 2011, 16-18h, Room 4429) (from Feb 16, 2011 07:15 PM to Mar 05, 2011 07:20 PM)
COLLOQUIUM | Naila Maier-Knapp (University of Canterbury, NZ): “EU Actorness on Non-Traditional Security in Southeast Asia” (February 11th 2011, 12.00-14.00h, Seminarraum, Institut für Völkerkunde) (from Feb 08, 2011 01:10 PM to Mar 08, 2011 01:15 PM)
BMBF WORKSHOP | Qualitative Comparative Analysis (Prof. Schneider, CEU) (Breisacher Tor R.201, from Mar 07, 2011 10:00 AM to Mar 08, 2011 06:05 PM)
- Registration by email to:
BMBF WORKSHOP | Case Study Design (Prof. Blatter, Luzern) (Breisacher Tor, R.207, from Apr 07, 2011 02:00 PM to Apr 08, 2011 05:30 PM)
VACANCY | Research Assistant (from Feb 02, 2011 10:10 AM to Apr 17, 2011 10:10 AM)
- We are currently recruiting a student assistant (Hiwi) for the research project "Beyond Occidentalism" starting as soon as possible.
VACANCY | Teacher Vietnamese Language (from Mar 09, 2011 08:50 PM to May 01, 2011 08:50 PM)
- We are currently recruiting a teacher of Vietnamese language for the upcoming summer term (applications until 1st of April 2011).
COLLOQUIUM | Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Voting and Elections in Indonesia, pt. 2 (Thursday, 26 May 2011, 12.00-14.00h, Institut für Völkerkunde Seminarraum) (from May 26, 2011 12:00 AM to May 26, 2011 02:00 PM)
BMBF WORKSHOP | Qualitative Data Analysis (Dr. Friese, Hannover) (from May 30, 2011 09:00 PM to May 31, 2011 06:00 AM)
LECTURE | Dr. Chulanee Thianthai "Barbie and Big Eyes?: Exploring Beauty Myth and Body Image Changes among Thai Teenagers" (Freiburg, June 9th 2011) (from Jun 09, 2011 06:00 PM to Jun 09, 2011 08:00 PM)
COLLABORATIVE COLLOQUIUM | Regional Approaches to the 2011 Thai Election (13 July, 6pm-8pm, Seminarraum Ethnologie) (from Jul 13, 2011 06:00 PM to Jul 13, 2011 08:00 PM)
COLLOQUIUM | Drs. Sukamdi:“Revitalization of Population Policy in Indonesia” (Thursday, 29th of September 2011, 5-7 pm, Room 1015) (from Sep 29, 2011 05:00 PM to Sep 29, 2011 07:00 PM)
TANDEM RESEARCH | Jakarta Post Article on Freiburg- Yogyakarta Tandem Research (from Oct 05, 2011 11:55 AM to Dec 05, 2011 11:55 AM)
TEACHING | "Southeast Asia" related classes in WS 2011/12 (from Sep 19, 2011 10:55 AM to Mar 19, 2012 10:55 AM)